Disinfect your room

Tricks with which you can disinfect your room:

 If you want a healthy home, where you can charge your batteries and offer a great dose of relaxation, you must make sure you have the best hygiene. Often, the microorganisms that can harm you are not visible to the naked eye, which is why you tend to ignore them. But left free, they cause allergies, irritations and many other problems. 

Fortunately, there are severaltricks that can guarantee you a perfectly clean room and can help you rest very well:

 1. Make your bed every morning! Besides the fact that it is a routine that can help you psychologically, it is an excellent way to eliminate mites. Shake the sheets well, ventilate them and lay them on the bed immediately after you wake up!

 2. Change bedding frequently! It is good that once every 2, 3 days or even more often in the summer, to change the sheets. These can hide a lot of bacteria and microorganisms that feed on sweat and dead skin. If you change them frequently, the risks are very low. One of the specialists' advice is to wash the sheets at over 60 degrees Celsius.

 3. Keep the nightstand as organized. There are many people who overload their bedside table with all kinds of accessories that make it impossible to clean everyday dust and dirt. Keep only a book, a small lamp and a clock on the bedside table, and cleaning will be done as simple as possible. Images for fresh room 

4. Disinfect the mattress and use the vacuum cleaner! Inhale the mattress whenever you have the opportunity and try to use a disinfectant for it, so as to eliminate all the mites. Of all the accessories in the house, in the mattress are the most mites, which can cause many damages. Occasionally, you can take it out the window to ventilate it. 

5. Do not neglect the curtains. Usually, the curtains are forgotten, but they can also be quite rich sources of mites. Don't forget to wash them once every few weeks! The blinds should not be forgotten. They should be cleaned with a natural product, so that all dust is removed from them. Cleanliness is, therefore, the word of order when it comes to comfort and health. If you want a healthy life, make sure you clean up frequently and that you are as organized as possible!


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